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Dry Sticks

The Whole Armor of God

In the Christian journey, we engage in an epic battle against rulers and authorities—the formidable evil forces of fallen angels led by the devil, a relentless adversary (see Peter 5:8). To triumph over their assaults, we must rely on God's mighty strength and equip ourselves with every piece of His powerful armor!

In Ephesians Chapter 6, Paul fervently urges the church, the body of Christ, and each person within it to gear up with full armor! It's crucial for the ENTIRE body to be completely equipped! As you face off against the "mighty powers in this dark world," fight with the strength of the church, drawing power from the Holy Spirit.

God's Armor

Belt - For truth:

The devil battles with lies, and at times his lies resemble the truth; however, only believers possess God's truth, capable of overcoming the devil's deceit.

Body of Armor- For Righteousness:

The devil targets our heart—the core of our emotions, self-worth, and trust. God's righteousness serves as the body armor that shields our heart and secures His approval. He approves of us because He loves us and sent His Son to die for us.

Shoes- For peace that comes from the Good News:

The devil wants us to think that sharing the Good News a worthless and hopeless task. The size of the task is too big for us and the negative feedback we get is too much to handle. But the shoes God gives us are motivation to keep going. We must proclaim the true peace that is available in God--news that is essential for EVERYONE to hear.

Shield- For Faith:

What we experience are the devil's attacks disguised as setbacks, insults, and temptations. But the shield of faith empowers us to deflect the devil's fiery arrows! With God's perspective, we can look beyond our circumstances and confidently know that ultimate victory is ours!

Helmet- For Salvation: The devil wants us to question God, Jesus, and our salvation.

The helmet fortifies our mind against doubting God's truth and work within us. The truth is Jesus Christ died for our sins and was risen three days later by God. Our salvation comes from the belief and faith in that truth.

Sword- The Word of God: The sword is the weapon of offense. There are times when we need to take offense against the devil, like when we are tempted, feeling unworthy or unloved. When this happens, we need to trust in the truth and power of God's word!

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