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Dry Sticks

5 Essentials for Every New Christian

  1. A good STUDY Bible One of the most common things I hear is " I don't understand the Bible so, I don't read it." I'm always surprised to hear people say that they have never heard of study Bible. So, what is it and where do I get one? Well, anywhere really! Yes, even Amazon! A study Bible is a Bible with notes that explain or expand on the verses in the Bible. Some of them even have columns for you to take notes. Some even have coloring pages! YES! There are many translations available. My favorite is the NLT or New living Translation. Everyone will tell you something different. Just shop around until you find the one you like.

  2. A journal or even a plain ol' notebook. Why? A couple reasons: 1) You will be learning lots of cool stuff! The Bible is a BIG book. I promise you will read something that you'll want to remember. 2) Sometimes it's therapeutic just to write stuff down. You can even burn it when you're done if you want.

  3. A quiet place. This one is easy. Well, maybe not if you are a parent . But, seriously, FIND ONE! Even if it's your bathroom, with a lock, of course. Ha. Get somewhere you can read and focus for a few minutes.

  4. A Christian friend. Every new endeavor needs support. Doesn't matter if your friend is a new Christian or not. It's helpful to have someone to run things by, or get advice, or just to listen. Don't have any? There are churches EVERYWHERE. And they have friends in them :)

  5. A Bible study group. (See #4) Can't find a group? Make your own. If that scares you, just know that all you need is a place to gather and some resources. You don't have to know ANYTHING about the Bible to start/host a study group. Trust me, you will learn so much!

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